8 comments on “Siblings

  1. Eliza Waters says:

    Very different pH between the two by the looks!

    Liked by 1 person

    • pastpeter says:

      They’re only a few feet apart, so that seems unlikely. I don’t know hydrangea varieties very well. The pink has flowered profusely after three years of experimental pruning. I have not been able to identify it precisely. The leaves are
      large, dark green with a purple tinge at the edges. Any suggestions?


  2. Eliza Waters says:

    There are so many different hybrids these days, it is tough to say. Perhaps it has been bred to be pink. Do you know the species?
    H. macrophylla bloom on old wood, so I don’t prune them until growth starts in spring. pH regulates their color. Other species like H. arborescens bloom on new wood, so can be cut to the ground in fall. So it really depends on the variety.


  3. Lovely hydrangea family you have there. 🙂 I have numerous hydrangeas, and I’d be hard pressed to put a label on them, but I sure wish I’d done it in the beginning.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. pastpeter says:

    I inherited these from the previous owner of this property, and am still trying to identify the pink one – which has bloomed profusely this year!


  5. cindy knoke says:

    I love hydrangeas!


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